Poster by Modern Activity
There seems to be a re-emergence of interest in the arts & crafts movement presently. We decided to release Paul & Pat Hickson’s beautiful font as London Bloomsbury Old Style, to meet this need for a new sensitivity in design.
The Bloomsbury group — Virginia Woolf, Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster, Lytton Strachey etc. realised the importance of the arts and their works influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as introducing new ideas about feminism, pacifism, and sexuality that are relevant so much to the time we live in now.
Visit Bloomsbury due south of the British Museum, Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant’s home in Charleston, near Lewes, and Monk’s House near Rodmell, the home of Virginia and Leonard Woolf.
Enjoy Paul and Pat’s sensitively made splayed lower case letters u, n, m, the lovely ampersand and their beautifully crafted capital letters, P, R, B, N, Q, U and S. These fine humanist serif fonts also contain several discretionary lower case ligatures to embellish your work with. Take all four LDN Bloomsbury fonts for a spin using the test driver app below.
Click below to select the licence option you require and purchase the font for immediate download. Desktop fonts are in OpenType format for use on Mac & PC computers; web fonts come in WOFF2, WOFF & EOT formats for self-hosted websites.
Please note that if you require a larger desktop/web licence, or a digital embedding licence (mobile apps, ePub etc) please email us for a quote to cover your needs.
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